In this section:
Using the Interrogate Tool in Tabx
The Interrogate tool is used to drill down and create comparisons in a particular dataset. Multiple configurable windows allow a user to construct tables and charts with as few clicks as possible to draw insight from the data they’re looking at.
Opening and Using Windows
- Within the Interrogate tool one or more windows (a window being a chart and table pair, or just a table if the project has disabled charts) can be viewed at once. To show or hide given windows, open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page, then select which windows you want to see open.
- Windows can be renamed by clicking the Edit button next to the title within each window.
- Windows can be made full-width by clicking the Expand icon in the top right of each window.
Adding Windows
Up to 5 Interrogate windows can be added to a project by each user of that project. The windows are unique to that user, and the Interrogate tool. To add a window to the Interrogate tool:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page.
- Click Add WIndow.
- A new window will be added to the list of available windows for you to open.
Removing Windows
Removing a window is just as easy as adding one. To remove a window from the Interrogate tool:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page, and make sure the window you would like to remove is open and being viewed.
- Click the Settings button at the top right of the window you wish to remove.
- Browse to the Settings tab of the Settings drop down.
- Click Remove Chart. WARNING: This operation is permanent.
- The window will fade out and be removed from your Interrogate tool.
Embedding Charts
If Charts are enabled within a project, you can construct charts to later embed in a webpage, blog post or forum. To generate an embed code, configure your chart to as needed, then click the Embed button underneath. Copy and paste the code in the text box into your webpage or blog post to see the chart – fully interactive – be drawn. The embedded charts are taken as instance of the chart generated within the Interrogate tool. Even if you change the configuration of the chart that was embedded in the Interrogate tool, the embedded chart will remain the same. This is to ensure embedded charts do not change their information when being used in webpages!
The Interrogate tool allows you to export single tables and charts. To export anything within the Interrogate tool:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Configure a window to construct the table or chart you need.
- Click either Export Table to generate an XLSX file, or Export Chart to export a .PNG file.
- XLSX Files are created using native Excel formatting. This ensures that merged cells, numbers and percentages are properly represented and ready to use within the export.
Archived Charts
The Interrogate tool allows you to store and archive chart settings for later use in Chart Windows. To archive a chart’s settings within the Interrogate tool:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a window.
- Configure a window to construct the table or chart you need.
- Browse to the Options tab.
- In the Chart Archive section, enter a name for the newly stored chart settings, then press Store.
- The Store button will update with the text “Stored” on completion.
Chart settings will also be archived when the project is set up to generate an archived chart when exporting to an Excel file. Tabx will check to see if the chart being exported already exists as an archived chart when new Excel files are exported. If found, Tabx will use that archived chart’s key instead of generating a new archived chart. There are no limits on the number of archived charts allowed.
Directly archived charts (stored via the settings dialogue for a given chart by a user) are unique to that user – other users cannot see them. These charts can still be shared to other users within a project by sharing that archived charts key (see below).
Archived Chart Recall
To recall an archived chart:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Click the Menu button to open the sidebar.
- In the Archived Charts section, click any green button.
- Optionally, enter an Archived Chart key in the Chart Recall Key box, and press the Recall button.
- This will add the stored chart selected as a new window in the working area.
Sharing Archived Chart Keys
Key strings for archived chart settings can be found in 3 places:
- In the Interrogate tool sidebar in the Archived Charts section
- Press the button of any stored chart to copy that key to clipboard.
- In the Interrogate tool sidebar in the Exported Chart Keys section.
- Press the button of any stored chart to copy that key to clipboard.
- Within exported table or office chart object Excel files, on the “Key” worksheets.
Keys can be shared and recalled by any user who has access permissions to the project the chart is archived in. If an archived chart is removed from that project, the key associated with it will no longer work.
Deleting Stored Charts
To remove a directly archived chart from your user within a project:
- Browse to the Interrogate tool.
- Click the Menu button to open the sidebar.
- In the Archived Charts section, press any button and confirm to delete this archived chart.
- Once removed, Archived chart settings cannot be restored.
Remove Exported Archived Charts from within the Edit Project page. See Basic Project Management for more information.
Configuring Charts and Table Windows
Any Chart / Table window can be configured by clicking the Settings button in the top right of the window. The configuration process can be viewed here.
Using the Dashboard Tool in Tabx
The Dashboard tool is great for viewing trending and wave based survey data; projects within Tabx can have new data appended to them at any point. To use the Dashboard, Charts and Tables must be enabled for that project.
Adding New Dashboards
Projects can contain multiple dashboards per user. The project hierarchy is as follows:
- License
- Project
- Dashboard
- User Specific Settings
- User Specific Settings etc…
- Dashboard
- User Specific Settings
- User Specific Settings etc…
- Dashboard etc…
- Project etc…
When a user views the dashboard tool for the first time, a default dashboard will be created containing a default chart+table combo. To add another Dashboard, for that user, to the project:
- Browse to the Dashboard tool.
- Open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page.
- Select the project you wish to add a Dashboard to from the Project drop down.
- Click Add Dash.
- Enter a name for the new dashboard.
- Click the green Add Dashboard button.
- You will be redirected to the newly created dashboard.
Removing Dashboards from a Project
Dashboards can only be removed by License Administrators and Editors with access to that project. See the Basic Project Management article for more information.
Dashboard Cards
Adding Cards
A Dashboard is constructed using “Cards” which are Chart + Table pairs, Filter or Variable Controls, Gauges or Text/Image blocks. The cards and their settings are unique to that user, and the Dashboard tool. To add a card to the Dashboard tool:
- Open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page.
- Click Add Chart or Add Gauge or Add Filter Control or Add Variable Control or Add Dashboard Switcher or Add Text / Image
- A new card will be added into the dashboard for you to configure.
Showing & Hiding Chart + Table Cards
Every Chart on the Dashboard tool also has a corresponding table. These tables are hidden by default, but can be shown in the dashboard:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of the chart card you wish to show the table.
- Move the Show Table switch to “On”.
- The table will appear inside the dashboard for you to configure.
Likewise, the chart counterpart to the table card can also be turned off, but only if the table card is visible:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of the Chart or Table card you wish to hide the Chart.
- Move the Show Chart switch to “Off”.
- The chart will now be hidden.
Card Layering
Cards are organised into layers on the dashboard. The default layer is 1, however the range of layers is 0 – 20. The lower the layer, the “further back” that card will display. The card’s layer can be set in that card’s settings dialogue.
For example, you may want to add a small icon over a chart – to do this, set the Chart’s layer to 1, then add a Text / Image card, setting its layer to 2. The text / Image card can now be dragged on top of the Chart card.
Moving and Resizing Cards
Cards can be moved and resized and this is best done on a desktop PC or Laptop, as some touch devices will be unable to register the drag attempt. To move or resize a card:
- To move a Chart or Table card click and drag anywhere on that card.
- To move a Control Card or Gauge, click and drag the icon, visible when you hover over that card at the top right of that card.
- To resize a card, click and drag any of the four white bars that surround the edges of the card when you hover over it.
Cards can also be controlled down to a pixel level accuracy from the Sidebar > Dashboard Cards section.
Undoing layout changes
You can undo your last resize or movement of Dashboard Cards by clicking the Undo button on the top header bar.
Configuring Charts and Table Cards
Any Chart / Table card can be configured by clicking the Settings button in the top right of the card. The configuration process can be viewed here.
Configuration of Control, Gauge and Dashboard Switcher Control Cards
Any Control, Gauge or Dashboard Switcher card can be configured by clicking the button in the top right of the card. The configuration process can be viewed here.
Dashboard Layout Modifications
Any layout changes you make to the dashboard cards (position and size) are automatically saved.
View Mode in Dashboards
Once a Dashboard has been constructed, it is often no longer necessary to be able to drag and drop, or resize Cards. Enabling View Mode disables all hover functionality of the cards in the dashboard, allowing a user to interact with the Charts, Tables, Controls and Switchers without affecting layout. To enable View Mode:
- Open the sidebar by clicking the Menu button at the top left of the page.
- Click the Enable View Mode button.
Using the Crosstabs Tool in Tabx
The Crosstabs tool is used to generate large, multi-dimensional output tables (cross tabs, bannered tables) from variables within your dataset. They make the task of generating bannered output tables as easy as just 2 or more clicks. The process to generating a bannered output table is similar to configuring an Interrogate window, or floating Chart and Table within the Dashboard. To read a full description of the various options, please read Chart and Table Configuration in Tabx.
Generating Analysis Tables
The Analysis tool requires a project is set up for best use. Please read Basic Project Management for more information.
- Browse to the Crosstabs tool.
- Select your Analysis Variables. You must select at least one Analysis Variable. These will act as your table “rows”.
- Select whether or not to Subset the Analysis Variable by another applicable variable.
- Choose one or more Break Variables to act as the “columns” within the bannered output table.
- Choose the Filters that are needed within this analysis output.
- Choose which Global Options and Table Options that are needed within this analysis output.
- Choose which Settings that are needed within this analysis output.
- Click Generate Table. A new window will open with the generated analysis.
Exporting the Table
Once you have generated a table, you can export this table to an XLSX file. Click the Export Table in the analysis output to generate the XLSX file. XLSX Files are created using native Excel formatting. This ensures that merged cells, numbers and percentages are properly represented and ready to use within the export.
Chart and Table Configuration in Tabx
Chart and Table configuration allows you to:
- Select the Variables from within Groups to be viewed on the chart or table.
- Hide answers from within these Variables from being included on the chart or table.
- Select to further sub divide the analysis variable via a Subset.
- Choose a number of Global Options for chart and table output.
- Choose a number of Table Options for chart and table output.
- Apply Filters to the chart and table output.
- Configure the look and feel of charts under the Settings tab.
Saving the Window / Card configuration
The configuration will automatically be saved every time a settings parameter is changed.
Variable selection
To select Variables to view in the Interrogate tool or the Dashboard tool:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Choose a Group for either of the selectable group drop-downs.
- Choose a Variable for either of the selectable variable drop-downs.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
Sync a Variable to a Variable Control
When using the Dashboard tool, the option to Sync either the Analysis or Break Variable to a Variable Control on that Dashboard is also available. Choose the respective Variable Control from the Sync drop-downs in either the Analysis or Break Variable section. Read more about Filter Controls here.
Search for a Variable to select
In the Analysis and Break Variable sections, there is also an expandable section allowing you to search for a Variable to use in your project. Type in at least 3 characters of the Variable Name or Label (that has been modified or not) and Tabx will find those that match – simply click the variable you need and that will be auto-selected. Normal selection rules apply – if you try to select a variable from the Break search results that is already selected as the Analysis Variable, Tabx will default to using that Variable in the Analysis Variable only.
Hiding Answers
In some circumstance it is desireable to hide answers within a given variable. For example, if the category of “Don’t Know / Refused” is empty and thus not important to be included within a given chart or table, it can be hidden from view. To hide a particular answer in a window / card:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Check or un-check the appropriate answers from the list underneath the relevant Variable.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
It may be faster to Hide / Unhide all, then make your final selection.
Tabx supports an additional break (as opposed to a bannered cross break) of any Variable by any other suitable Variable. To apply a Subset to a given Analysis or Break Variable:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Choose your Subset variable from the subset dropdown box in either the Analysis or Break Variable sections.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
Variable Arithmetics
Tabx supports a range of Arithmetic functions that can be applied to Scalar and Single type variables:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Choose your option from the Variable 1 Arithmetics dropdown box.
- Sum
- Mean Average
- Index (data transformed to be a score out of 100)
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Count
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
NPS (Net Promotor Score) Calculations
To work correctly, the variable for which the NPS arithmetic calculation is being applied to should be the following structure:
- Answer categories of 1 – 10 (optionally 0 too, though standard Likert scales usually don’t include 0)
The NPS calculation is an aggregate function that sums the count of respondents who answered codes 9 and 10, and substracts the summed count of those who answered 0 – 6, giving an NPS score.
Arithmetic and Weighting
All arithmetic functions within Tabx work correctly with weights applied. Simply enable Weighted Data in the Global Options (see below).
Tabx has a fast way to add a benchmark series to your chart.
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Drop down the Benchmark input box in the Analysis section.
- Enter values for the series you’re looking at. Values can be integer or decimal, and must be separated by commas.
- Hit the Update button underneath the benchmark input box to see the changes.
Benchmarks use the following rules:
- If a single figure is entered, that figure is used for the benchmark across all current series categories.
- Users can add as many benchmark figures as they need. Each subsequent benchmark figure will be used for the next category in the series.
- If the amount of benchmark figures is less than the amount of series categories, the final benchmark figure will be used for the remaining series categories.
- To move where a benchmark changes from one value to another, simply enter multiple of the same figure.
Benchmark series will use the next available colour slot in your chart configuration.
Global Options
To turn on or off any Gloabl options:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Click the appropriate options:
- Chart Type – this can be:
- Column
- Stacked Column
- Bar
- Stacked Bar
- Center-aligned Bar
- Area
- Marked Line
- Simple Line
- Radar *Needs two variables selected to work correctly*
- Pie *Only one variable will be used if Pie selected*
- Donut *Only one variable will be used if Donut selected*
- Sort Series – When only an Analysis question is selected, how to sort the series: Ascending, Descending or default.
- Weighted Data – Whether or not the output data in the table or chart is weighted (and uses the defined weight field inside the project). If no weight field has been selected, Tabx will continue as if unweighted.
- Weight Field – Select the actual scalar field to use in the weight calculations. This means each chart can use its own weight field.
- Chart Percentages – Whether or not the chart is output as a percentage scale, component %, or n-number count scale.
- Component %’s are used exclusively for Multi type questions. When enabled, the percentage figures for each category in the Multi act as if the base used to calculate each percentage value is defined as the base for that single category only.
- Low N-values– The number at which absolute values will be marked in red if they are under this limit.
- Low Base Warning – The number below which a “Low Base” warning covers the chart.
- 0.00 Decimal Places – To how many decimal places will the output numbers be displayed? This also affects table output.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
Table Options
To turn on or off any Table specific options:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Data Sources tab.
- Click the appropriate options:
- Table Row Percentages – Whether or not to include row percentage output on the generated table.
- Row % Delta – Whether or not to include a Row % delta output on the generated table.
- Table Column Percentages – Whether or not to include column percentages on the generated table.
- Column % Delta – Whether or not to include a Column % delta output on the generated table.
- Table Component Percentages – Whether or not to include component percentages on the generated table.
- Component % Delta – Whether or not to include a Component % delta output on the generated table.
- Absolute N Numbers – Whether or not to include absolute n-numbers on the generated table.
- Absolute Delta – Whether or not to include delta output for absolute n-numbers on the generated table.
- Significance Test 95% – Whether or not to include column comparison significance testing within the generated table at 95% significance.
- Significance Test 99% – Whether or not to include column comparison significance testing within the generated table at 99% significance.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
Tabx has a powerful and fast filtering system. To apply any number of filters to the output table and chart:
- Click the Settings button at the top right of a chart card / window.
- Browse to the Filters tab.
- Turn on / off any filters you want to apply to your base.
- Your selection will be automatically applied to the window / card.
Your filter selection will be output wherever the Base Text is output (by default in the header of any generated Table).
Sync Filters to a Filter Control
When using the Dashboard tool, the option to Sync to any available Filter Control is also available. Read more about Filter Controls here.
Chart Output Configuration
The following features of the output chart can be configured:
- Chart Settings
- Type – What type of chart to display (see Global Options section above)
- Layer – On the dashboard, what layer is this chart card.
- Chart Rotation – Rotate the chart about its center by a number of degrees.
- Background – The color of the charts background.
- Grid – Turn the grid on / off on the chart.
- Error Bars – Show error bars on any bar chart.
- Bar Gaps – Define the space between series.
- Bar Spacing – Define the space between bars in the same series.
- Series Colours
- The chart colours can be configured to match your or your clients branding. These colours are configured per chart.
- You can override the default colour by matching against a range of values:
- Define a color in any color selection box.
- Define a value range in the From and To boxes.
- Turn on the Use Scale switch.
- Any values on the chart that fall in this range will have the corresponding bar, line or point colored to match this definition.
- Title Settings
- Types Inline – Whether or not to include [SC] and [MC] in the Chart title.
- Show Title – Turn the chart title on or off.
- Title position – Top or bottom.
- Base Inline – Whether to include the Base Text within the Chart title (useful when embedding charts, or exporting as an image to use elsewhere without corresponding table).
- Font – Size, Color and Formatting.
- Legend Settings
- Show Legend – Turn the Legend on or off.
- Title position – Top, bottom, left or right.
- Font – Size, Color and Formatting.
- Value Axis Settings
- Show Value Axis – Turn the axis on or off.
- Axis Label Angle – Rotate the labels for this axis.
- Max Value – Maximum value for the axis.
- Min Value – Minimum value for the axis.
- Font – Size, Color and Formatting.
- Category Axis Settings
- Show Category Axis – Turn the axis on or off.
- Axis Label Angle – Rotate the labels for this axis.
- Single Series Categories – Replace a single “Categories” series with individual series drawn from each answer of the Analysis question. Works when only an Analysis question is selected.
- Font – Size, Color and Formatting.
- Value Mark Settings
- Prefix – Prefix each value mark with a currency symbol.
- Position – Depending on chart type, the position of the value marks relative to the bar, line or point.
- Color – Use default coloring, series colors or white for the value mark text.
- Show Marks – Turn off or on value marks.
- Answers Inline – Include the Question Answer Category labels in the value mark text.
- Deltas Inline – Include any calculated deltas in the value mark text.
- Angle – Rotate the value mark text.
- Font – Size, Color and Formatting.
Filter and Variable Control Configuration in Tabx
Dashboards are often made of multiple Chart and Table cards, looking at survey data cross-broken by different variables. Filter and Variable controls allow a user to control the applied Filters and selected Variables of multiple Chart and Table cards at once.
Filter Controls can be of several types:
- Select Box (Drop Down)
- Checkbox List (Select many Answer Categories at once)
- Radio List (Select only one Answer Category, but display as a list)
- Slider (Best used for “Wave” or time-based variables, but will work with any).
Variable Controls can be either:
- Variable Select Box (Drop Down)
- Variable Image List. To access the image upload section, first save this Control Type.
Restrictions on Filter Controls
Filter Controls can only be added to a Dashboard when the Project contains at least one Variable marked as a Filter. For Project Management click here.
Control Configuration
To open the settings dialogue for a control, click the Settings button on the Control you wish to edit, at the top right of the Control Card.
Control configuration allows you to:
- Edit the Control Name.
- Show / Hide the Control Name on the Dashboard.
- Choose the Text Alignment for the Control on the Dashboard.
- Choose a Font Colour for the Control on the Dashboard. The colour can be configured to match your or your client’s branding.
- Choose a Background Colour for the Control on the Dashboard. The colour can be configured to match your or your client’s branding. Hint: Enter “rgba(0,0,0,0)” as the background colour if you want a transparent background!
- Choose a horizontal or vertical Control Orientation for the Control on the Dashboard.
- Choose a Control Type (listed above).
- Filter Controls Only – Select the Filter Variable
- Variable Controls Only
- Select the Control Group
- Upload Images for use when the Control Type is Image List. Images must be no larger than 200 X 200 pixels.
Saving the Control configuration
To apply the chosen Control settings, click the Save button at the top right of the Control Settings window.
Removing Controls from a Dashboard
To remove a Control from a Dashboard:
- Click the Settings button on the Control you wish to remove.
- Browse to the Options tab
- Click the Remove Control button.
Gauge Configuration in Tabx
Gauges are a special type of circular chart that focus on one or more answer categories within a single variable, and output that selection as a percentage.
Gauge Configuration
To open the settings dialogue for a Gauge, click the Settings button on the Gauge you wish to edit, at the top right of the Gauge Card.
Gauge configuration allows you to:
- Change Variable Settings:
- The Group where the chosen Variable resides.
- The chosen Variable – only Single and Multi type (Not scalar) variables can be chosen for use in Gauges.
- The selected Answers – For single-type variables (SC) you can select one or more answer categories, and the resulting percentage output will be the combination of those selected. For multi-type variables, only one answer category may be selected.
- Change the Gauge Settings:
- Toggle Weighted Data.
- Selected the Gauge Type:
- Radial Half Circle.
- Radial Full Circle.
- Toggle Animation Direction:
- Left to Right (Default).
- Right to Left.
- Select the Gauge Background Colour.
- Change Value Axis Settings:
- Toggle the Value Axis.
- Select the Position of the axis:
- Outside the arc.
- Inside the arc.
- Define the Value Axis Font Settings.
- Check the Value Mark Settings:
- Toggle the Value Mark.
- Define the Value Mark Font Settings.
- Change the Arc Bar Settings:
- Select the bar End Shape:
- Select the Bar Width (Thickness).
- Select the Bar Colour.
- Select the Bar Background Colour.
- Filter the calculated data in the Filters & Controls tab.
- Sync the Gauge to a Filter Control on the Dashboard on the Filters and Controls tab.
Removing Gauges from a Dashboard
To remove a Gauge from a Dashboard:
- Click the Settings button on the Gauge you wish to remove.
- Browse to the Options tab
- Click the Remove Control button.