Importing Survey Data to Tabx
Importing SPSS data files is quick and easy in Tabx:
- Browse to the Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
- Browse to the Projects tab.
- Click the Upload a Project button at the top of this tab.
- Once on the Add Project page, ensure you are on the SPSS tab.
- Ensure you read the Before you upload… section.
- Click Choose File to select your .sav data file on your computer.
- Type in a Project Name. This is for internal use only and is not output anywhere on tables or charts. This cannot be the same as another project within your License.
- Click the Submit button.
- Once uploaded, you will redirected to the Account page and see an orange confirmation box appear confirming the project was uploaded, or queued for upload. After your project has been imported, you will receive an email with either a success or failure message, alongside a description of what was ignored / why the upload was a failure. If your SPSS project import was a success, the message that details which fields were ignored is saved to be accessed again at any time by viewing the Options tab when on the Edit Project page.
Importing CSV / XLSX Data Files into Tabx
Importing CSV /XLSX data files is quick and easy in tabx:
- Browse to the Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
- Browse to the Projects tab.
- Click the Upload a Project button at the top of this tab.
- Once on the Add Project page, ensure you are on the CSV / XLSX tab.
- Ensure you read the Before you upload… section.
- Click Choose File to select your .xlsx data file on your computer.
- Type in a Project Name. This is for internal use only and is not output anywhere on tables or charts. This cannot be the same as another project within your License.
- Click the Submit button.
- Once uploaded, you will redirected to the Account page and see an orange confirmation box appear confirming the project was uploaded. After your project has been uploaded, you will see either a success or failure message, alongside a description of what was ignored / why the upload was a failure. If your CSV / XLSX project upload was a success, the message that details which fields were ignored is saved to be accessed again at any time by viewing the Options tab when on the Edit Project page.
Formatting a CSV / XLSX Fle for Uploading to Tabx
Click here to download the XLSX template file.
Click here to download an example project using the XLSX template file.
Using the CSV / XLSX upload feature means you can import data from sources other than SPSS into Tabx. To use the XLSX template file:
- Follow the instructions within the file (on the worksheet “How to use”) to populate your data and meta data.
- Ensure Row 1 on the “Data” sheet has no blank cells between columns. All columns must have a field name.
- Ensure ALL fields are represented on the “Variables” worksheet, and have been assigned a display ready label and type.
- Ensure all “Categorical” type variables have corresponding answers on the “Answers” sheet.
Importing SSS Data Files into Tabx
Importing SSS data files is quick and easy in Tabx:
- Browse to the Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
- Browse to the Projects tab.
- Click the Upload a Project button at the top of this tab.
- Once on the Add Project page, ensure you are on the SSS tab.
- Ensure you read the Before you upload… section.
- Click Choose File to select your .xml data file on your computer.
- Click Choose File to select your .csv data file on your computer.
- Type in a Project Name. This is for internal use only and is not output anywhere on tables or charts. This cannot be the same as another project within your License.
- Click the Submit button.
- Once uploaded, you will redirected to the Account page and see an orange confirmation box appear confirming the project was uploaded, or queued for upload. After your project has been imported, you will receive an email with either a success or failure message, alongside a description of what was ignored / why the upload was a failure. If your SPSS project import was a success, the message that details which fields were ignored is saved to be accessed again at any time by viewing the Options tab when on the Edit Project page.